Experience the Difference
TradeandMine is a leading platform that allows people to grow and diversify their portfolio of assets across different markets and technologies.
Start InvestingForex, Crypto and Beyond
Discover hundred of assets across multiple categories

Daily Mining Outputs
Returns made from either trading or mining transactions will be added to your account daily and automatically.

State of the Art Mining
Productivity is a top notch quality for any investment. So, for every trade action or blockchain mining algorithm that we offer, we're providing some of the highest performing systems and softwares that exist.

Diverse Mining Portfolio
Choose from a wide range of target assets for trading and over 10 major mining algorithms that cut across 4 mineable cryptocurrencies.

Hardware is already running
Don't wrestle with rig assembly and hot, noisy miners at home. We have the fastest bitcoin mining hardware running for you already.

Intuitive Dashboard
All the financial instruments data and charts that you need, when you need them.

Secure and Private
We value the privacy of our users, so we strive to keep collected user data to a minimum level.
Copy top investors
With TradeandMine innovative CopyTraderâ„¢, you can automatically copy the moves of other investors. Find investors you believe in and replicate their actions in real time.
Trusted worldwide
Discover why millions of investors from over 100 countries joined TradeandMine
More than 25 million users globally
Regulated by bodies around the world
Utilising top-tier security practices
Providing services around the world
Keep track of what's happening in the crypto market with our daily symbol snapshots — designed to be read in 20 seconds or less.
Smart Portfolios
Invest in the future you believe in with thematic investment strategies, offering diversified exposure to the market segments that will shape our lives.
Unlike paper money, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are produced mathematically and held digitally. The people who voluntarily offer their computing power to secure these cryptocurrency networks are called miners. Cryptocurrencies don't have a central government or other so-called 'middlemen' that decide about the future of the system.
As miners, we are processing and verifying the transactions of the cryptocurrency ecosystems and keeping their public transaction history (blockchains) maintained and secure. For this, the mining community is rewarded with the networks' transaction fees and newly created coins.
Binance Coin
The evolution of one of the world's largest cryptocurrency mining facilities
Enigma is one of the largest cryptocurrency mining facilities in the world. First built to exclusively mine Ethereum, the facility is being continuously upgraded for mining state-of-the-art Blockchain technology. Enigma's computational performance is achieved with specifically designed mining rigs that efficiently mine hashing algorithms for various cryptocurrencies such as Zcash, Dash, Monero and others. The Enigma facility is powered by geothermal energy, and resides in the capital of Iceland.

Energy (Iceland + Geothermal Energy)
The results of cryptocurrency mining highly depend on infrastructure efficiency and electricity rates, which make renewable energy sources - such as geothermal and hydropower - the go-to solution for a cost-effective and clean mining operation. Today, over 80% of Iceland's energy is provided by renewable sources.

Mining Hardware
Enigma is powered by a setup of optimized GPUs (graphic processing units). These GPUs are placed in 'Rigs' which are specifically designed to house as much hashing power as efficiently as possible. The miners' software is configured for maximum performance by mining Kernels (hardware operating systems) like '"TradeandMin" OS' that we've developed in-house. We then manage it with our Hive interface.

Mining Software / Hive
Hive is our software interface which enables the efficient setup, configuration and management of all our mining facilities. Keeping track of all devices is key for the success of any mining operation. Besides the total hashrate, power consumption and facility temperatures there are a myriad of details and settings like firmware, mining pools and safety protections that need to be checked and managed.

Minable Cryptocurrencies (Algorithms)
Enigma is validating the blockchain networks of many of the majorly distributed cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Litecoin, Zcash, Dash and others. The most popular and widespread cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, is being mined in facilities with a different hardware setup (such as ASIC miners).